Eastern Cape Investment Film Fund
The Eastern Cape Development Corporation (ECDC) realises the investment promotion potential value of promoting the Eastern Cape as a destination for hosting Feature Films and TV Series. The breath-taking film locations that the province possesses make it to a destination that is yet to be explored. As a result, the ECDC has pioneered the establishment of the Eastern Cape Investment Film Fund (ECIFF) in 2019.
Objectives of the Eastern Cape Investment Film Fund
To provide investment funding to support commercially viable and feasible film and television productions in the Eastern Cape.
To develop the film industry value chain in order to realize continuous investments, job creation and skills development within the Eastern Cape.
To establish the Eastern Cape as a preferred destination for film and television production.
What the Fund covers:
The EC Film and Television Investment Fund provides funding for commercially viable projects within the following categories:
Full length feature films
Commercial mini-series
Television series
Reality shows
Marketing of ECDC funded film projects at domestic and international film festivals, where the films are screening.
What the Fund does not cover:
Game Shows
Corporate Videos
Current Affairs
Talk Shows
Adult Content
Theatrical/Live Events (e.g. Social, Music or Sport)
Projects related to audience development
Funding Requirements and Conditions:
At least 60% of the principal photography of the project should be shot in the Eastern Cape
Total ECDC investment must be spent within the Eastern Cape, plus at least 70% of the other secured funding from other funders (the dtic, NEF, IDC, etc.)
At least 20% of Heads of Departments for the film must be sourced from within the Eastern Cape
Projects must include a training and skills transfer programme to be implemented within the Eastern Cape
At least a minimum of 80% of procurement of goods and services must be allocated to Eastern Cape-based service providers during the production phase
Projects must have a secured pre-sale or commission agreement by a reputable and viable national or international broadcaster
Previous projects must be completed, and production company be in good standing with current and past financiers/investors
Funding, as per finance plan, must be secured prior to application to ECDC
Projects will have a maximum of 3 months to start principal photography from date of approval
The production company is required to have a minimum of three (3) commercially successful completed projects
Commercial Mini Series, Series, Telenovelas and Reality Shows applications must have secured a pre-sale or commission from an industry-reputable channel or broadcaster
The applicant must be a South African production company, registered and complying with CIPC and all other legal requirements
An international production company should demonstrate a partnership with a South African based production company in order to be considered
The applicant must provide the ECDC with a financial plan and letter(s) of confirmation/approval from other financier(s)
The applicant must register and Special Purpose Corporate Vehicle (SPCV) incorporated in the Republic of South Africa, solely dedicated for the production of the film or television project to be considered for funding
The applicant must submit either the confirmation letter for distribution or letter of intent to distribute at application stage
The applicant must provide the ECDC with a distribution plan and evidence thereof, including a distribution agreement at the time of submitting claim(s)
The ECDC must be credited for its contribution to the production as detailed below:
The projects are required to include the ECDC logo in the opening credits and closing credits for the supported production
ECDC must be recognised as an Executive Producer of the project in opening and closing credits of the production
ECDC, as an Executive Producer, is invited to all premiers of the film, are engaged in all strategies for release of the film and retain part ownership
The ECDC Logo will be attached to all promotional material for the film
The applicant should provide a written confirmation that the ECDC will be credited for its contribution to the production at application stage
ECDC reserves the right to be supplied with a DVD or similar media of the entire production for verification
The film of series will showcase the beauty of the Eastern Cape province through the duration of its screening
ECDC may request raw footage of locations to include in location promotional material for the Eastern Cape
The applicant must comply with municipal by-laws regulating the affairs and the services the municipality provides in its area of jurisdiction and other statutory regulations, where applicable
The production must confirm its commitment to be rated by the Film Publication Board
Funding Evaluation Process:
All applications will be subjected to a commercial viability assessment, due diligence and document verification process
All applications will be evaluated by an internal governance process within the ECDC
The ECDC’s Project Committee will receive, deliberate and approve all applications throughout the year, depending on the availability and size of the budget available.
The EC Film and Television Investment Fund will only finance projects proposed by production companies that have a proven track record for producing high quality theatrically released feature films, series, telenovelas, reality shows, Animinations & Documentaries. The Fund may also be available to a production company which has secured a screening of a projects whose principal photography was funded through the fund and shot in the Eastern Cape. The ECDC reserves the right to convert its support provided to the production company to a percentage share in revenue generated, should the exposure in the film festival yield to the production company securing good Distribution Deals. This support is applicable to local and international film festivals and film markets.
Please note that failure to submit the required documentation listed in the application forms will result in automatic disqualification.
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One Stop Shop Eastern Cape 07.06.2021